Archives for July 2014

Portable Gear and Snacks for Your Workout

When the weather gets warmer, it’s so much easier to integrate easy and fun workouts into your day. Check out these portable workout and snack must-haves to make your workout easier during your beach or resort vacation.

How-To Tips For A Plant-Based Diet

Whether or not you choose to eat meat, you can still revamp your diet to be more plant-centric, the best way possible, with these easy tips to get more vegetables and fruit into your daily meals.

5 Superfoods for Diabetes

Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from defects in the body’s ability to produce and/or use insulin. Here are five superfoods that help diabetics improve their condition.

Tomato Cantaloupe Salsa

Even beginning cooks can hit it out of the park with this easy yet delicious tomato salsa, kicking it up with cantaloupe for one of Summer’s best calorie-friendly dishes. Check out the pics and decide for yourself…

How to Shop the Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Markets are the best way to getting the most delicious, seasonal produce while supporting local farmers and helping the environment.

The Magic Trick For Weight Loss Success

Looking for that one magic trick for weight loss success? As a certified health coach and passionate chef, you can probably guess my prescription…