Archives for January 2015

How to Cook with Chia Seeds

I’m a big fan of this tiny superfood since it’s a great way to fill up your tummy. Soaked chia is is well known as a boon for digestive orders like GERD and IBS, and is easy to add to recipes that you already know and love!

Healthy Spreads for Superbowl Sunday

Check out my article in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on ‘Healthy Spreads for Superbowl Sunday’ – featuring two delicious recipes from my ‘Secrets of a Skinny Chef’ cookbook.

Food Myths Debunked

I’ve always wondered how many of the most popular cooking myths got started, and why so many people still think they’re true. Do you know the one about keeping avocado from turning brown by using the pit? Searing meat keeps it juicy? Are green potatoes bad for you? True or false, find the answers — plus post your own myths and I’ll answer them!

Healthy Meals for One

Cooking for one can seem like a waste of time. But eating out all the time has major drawbacks too — it’s expensive, the portion sizes are too big for one person, and they can be loaded with calories. The trick to eating for ones lies in…

How to Cook with Turmeric

When it comes to eating healthy, spices are many times overlooked. So if you want to supercharge the health benefits of the foods you’re already eating while adding more interest to your meals, head to the spice rack.