Archives for June 2015

Tropical Fruit Salsa

Fresh tropical fruit is so sweet, it livens up any dish. I like to make a big batch of this salsa to use for chip-dipping and to accompany my grilled fish or meat. Just eating this salsa makes me feel like it’s 80 degrees and sunny outside year-round!

Creamy Corn Bake

Kids love sweet corn baked in a small dish, just the right size for them! Yogurt and eggs add lots of protein too. Do you have extra summer time corn? Swap out one of the cans of creamed corn and add 2 cups of fresh corn kernels cut from the cob before baking.

How to Stop Overeating

I used to be a chronic overeater, and it was tough to put the fork down when faced with home-cooked food. But my secret tips don’t tell you to stop eating – in fact, I prescribe enjoying food more!

Turkey Meatballs

I took this American classic to a healthier new level by adding turkey and whole wheat pasta. Haven’t met a family yet who doesn’t love spaghetti and meatballs and this is an easy way to introduce your little ones to whole wheat products

Cucumber Kiwi Gazpacho

Ever tasted a Chinese Gooseberry? If you enjoy kiwis you have! Whatever you call ’em, these hairy monsters are packing major vitamin C! A potent antioxidant, vitamin C helps to protect the skin against wind and sun damage and can be an ally in the fight against skin cancer. Perfect for your travel cup this summer

Low-Carb Lasagna

I developed this recipe to entice my husband into eating more vegetables and less processed carbohydrates. It still has the luscious flavors of traditional Italian lasagna, but I use strips of zucchini in place of pasta to create a lighter lower carb version that also uses low-fat cheese.