Quick Notes & Newsworthy Items

The posts in this category highlight content from around the web on cooking, food, nutrition, cookbooks, medical studies and more.... typically fairly short writeups why I think the information is noteworthy.

Om for the Holidays

My friend Suzanne Ausnit, a seasoned yoga instructor, is teaching an ‘OM for The Holidays’ workshop on November 30th. Take the workshop to find out how to release muscular tension and relax deeply with restorative yoga poses.

Another Cause of Obesity: Bacteria?

Just the other day, I came across an article on the ‘Times Magazine’ website, highlighting new research that seems to explain certain cases of obesity.

The Omega-3 Battle

Think of omega-3s as the oils that keep our brains and hearts from getting rusty. Studies show that these essential fatty acids can help prevent cardiovascular disease and some scientists believe they are also beneficial for the brain and nervous system. But recent findings point out that not all omega-3s are created equal.

Eat Your Heart Out

Hardly a week goes by without experts issuing a new report declaring that a particular food or vitamin or activity or condition will either restore your cardiovascular health or ruin it. A recent Time Magazine article highlights that scientists actually know a lot more today about what keeps the heart humming than they did a generation ago.

Mediterranean Diet – Lowering Depression?

Eating a Mediterranean-style diet – packed with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, olive oil and fish – is good for your heart, many studies have found. Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be good for your mental health, too.

The High Price of Cheap Food

For all the grumbling you do about your weekly grocery bill, the fact is you’ve never had it so good, at least in terms of what you pay for every calorie you eat. According to the USDA, Americans spend less than 10% of their incomes on food, down from 18% in 1966. Those savings begin with the remarkable success of one crop…

The Science Behind Sports Drinks

A recent article about the science behind sports drinks appeared a few weeks ago, highlighting a story that began in 1965 with a group of scientists at the University of Florida.

Chocolate 'Cuts Death Rate'

Heart attack survivors who eat chocolate two or more times per week cut their risk of dying from heart disease about threefold compared to those who never touch the stuff, scientists have reported. Smaller quantities confer less protection, but are still better than none, according to the study, which appears in the September issue of the Journal of Internal Medicine.