Skinny Chef Blog

This category features all posts on, whether they are blog posts in the traditional sense, recipes, or short asides highlighting content from around the web. Enjoy.

Why Do Carbs Get A Bad Rap?

Carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules. We often call starchy and fibrous foods ‘carbs’, but carbohydrates are found in many different foods like fruit, dairy, beans, whole grain pasta, and candy. So why do carbs get a bad rap?

Healthy Low Carb Snacks

Let’s talk about carbs. Specifically, about the hidden downside to high-carb snacks, even when they are made with whole grains.

Five Easy Ways to Get Green in the Kitchen

If you want to help protect the environment and save money at the same time- you don’t have to go to extremes. I really believe that every little bit helps so here are my top 5 painless ways for being green.

Sausage & Broccoli Rabe Pasta

In this video of my new HEALTHY CHEATS video series, I’ll take a gourmet pasta dish and sneak in some healthier alternative ingredients without sacrificing any of the flavor.

The Secret to Quitting Junk Foods

I know from personal experience that the love affair for junk foods and unhealthy foods can run pretty deep, which is why it can be so tough for people to kick the junk food habit for good!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep to Manage Hunger

You may not know it, but sleep is an important part of every diet. Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t just mean eating nutritional foods and being active – it also means getting the rest that you and your body need.

How to Cook with Hemp

Hemp seeds (also called “hemp hearts”) are the delicious nutty, highly nutritive shelled seeds of the plant. To cook with hemp seeds, use them as you would any other tasty seed… but check out my tasty recipes!

4 Easy Steps To Brining

Leaner meats like chicken, turkey, and pork chops benefit from brining because this keeps them juicy during cooking. Follow my simple 4-step process to learn how…