April 2010 Newsletter

Skinny Chef Tips for Busy MomsBeing a full-time mommy is one of the most demanding jobs out there. My mommy friends gracefully balance raising their kids, running a household and sometimes, even another job.

Add preparing delicious, fast and easy meals for sometimes picky kids into the mix and it’s enough to make even the most “got it together mama” go crazy. That’s why I’ve compiled some Skinny Chef tips for busy moms on the go-go-go and organized them into five categories.

To transition you effortlessly to a new eating and cooking approach that will bring lasting benefits and help keep your weight in check, I have also produced five bonus resources that you can grab when you purchase the book here. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

Finally, below is a reminder of some of my posts from last month, including many new recipes. For a complete listing, check out the March 2010 blog archive.

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Happy and Healthy Cooking,

Jennifer Iserloh


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