Grapefruit Is Nature's Weight Loss Food

Grapefruit Juice For Weight LossJuicy, tart, sweet, and refreshing, delicious grapefruit keeps you beautiful, inside and out! I use it in my kitchen because it’s easy to find year round and I love its versatile flavor.

I know that grapefruit gives me plenty of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and can help fight the aging process. Maintain that glowing complexion, protect gums for a gorgeous smile and help to lower cholesterol by including it in your diet.

We know it’s great for beautiful skin and teeth but what about your figure? Why is grapefruit so slimming?

Fast Weight Loss With Grapefruit JuiceA medium grapefruit has only around 100 calories, making it the ideal low-cal snack that hydrates your body with juicy vitamin-packed water. Grapefruit also contains naringin, a flavenoid that has been studied because scientists say it increases metabolism and that’s one of the reasons that Grapefruit is used for weight loss.

Citrus fruits are also known to work as appetite suppressants which can be a great help to maintain your calories intake. Find out more about the health benefits of grapefruit.

The fruit is so easy to find and prepare, but even the seeds have their benefits! Grapefruit seed extract is often used in food cosmetics and for skin care because it is a powerful antibacterial agent. Great for travelers, adding grape fruit seed extract can even help sanitize filtered water.

Available in health stores, it is a must for international travelers who want to feel their best on the road. On our first trip to India, my husband and I added it to our filtered water. We were lucky to avoid many of the tummy troubles that all of our friends on the trip suffered and enjoyed its citrus tang.

Tips for Preparing Grapefruit

Grapefruit are easy to peel by hand just like an orange. For grapefruit sections without the membrane (that can be slightly bitter), use a sharp pairing knife to cut away the skin from the fruit. Work over a small bowl to catch the juices. Wedge the knife next to the white membranes that holds the fruit in place and pull the grapefruit sections free, one at a time. Place the juice and fruit in an air-tight container for a fast snack anytime. Grapefruit can also be cut in half for a quick breakfast. Just scoop out the sections with a teaspoon.

Quick Serving Ideas and Tips

Pink grapefruit and fresh herbs are a gorgeous pair! Try mixing in fresh basil or cilantro with grapefruit to make a topping for salads, cooked fish, or steamed veggies like green beans.

Eating Safety – Grapefruit and Drug Interactions

Check with your healthcare practitioner about consuming a lot of grapefruit if you’re taking prescription drugs. Certain pharmaceutical drugs should not be combined with grapefruit juice. Medication can become more potent because grapefruit doesn’t allow them to break down, causing them to build up in your system.


  1. Natural MedCare says

    I am eating juicy grapefruit and I have to admit-it’s fantastic!I recommend it !

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