Healing Herbs for the Holidays

The holidays should be a time for relaxation as well as reconnecting with friends and family. Make your holiday more cheerful by instituting some healing rituals into your schedule that both sooth and celebrate the season. Take five minutes, or more, a day to treat yourself and your family to these self care activities to […]

Tasty + Healthy Thanksgiving How-to Video Series

You’ve got plenty of Thanksgiving recipes – but what about chefs’ secret tips to make it easier, simpler and lower in calories WITHOUT skimping on taste? In this Skinny Secrets Thanksgiving How-To Video Series, I’ll help you avoid common mistakes while amping up the flavor.

Sneak in Exercise?

My friend Maridel Reyes recently talked about a very real dilemma that many of us ‘health focused’ folks face: There are times when we simply can’t exercise during the busy times in our lives. Check out my five tips on sneaking in exercise!

Salads for Fall and Winter

Don’t miss out on amazingly colorful fall and winter produce that’s perfect to give your salads some serious gourmet flair.

Spiced Wine for Winter

Feuerzangenbowle is a traditional German alcoholic drink, often part of a Christmas or New Year’s Eve tradition. The name translates literally as ‘fire-tongs punch’, and is an old-time tradition of brewing mulled wine that is later enriched with rum and caramelized sugar.

Stress-Free Thanksgiving Prep

Make Thanksgiving delicious and effortless – with just a bit of planning ahead you can cook a huge feast for 20 guests all by yourself – tips that expert and beginning cooks can use alike.

The Perfect Stuffing For Thanksgiving

In this video, find out how to pull off a “skinny” Thanksgiving stuffing with all the flavor and less fat. Even though Granny calls it stuffing, this Thanksgiving classic is baked outside the bird.

Secrets for a Perfect Thanksgiving

Cooking for the big day can be such a stress for most people… but with a little planing and how-to knowledge, you’ll see that it’s fun and satisfying!