Revamp Your Breakfast

Revamp Your BreakfastTired of eating the same thing for breakfast? In my latest post on AOL’s Slashfood, I feature two ways to incorporate super foods quinoa and flax into your morning meal, whether you like it hot or cold.

Quinoa, sometimes called a whole grain, is actually the seed of a green leafy plant that is still cultivated in South America. Revered by the ancient Aztecs as a source of energy, chefs and home cooks now admire it for its mild taste and creamy texture. Quinoa is as easy to cook as rice, but it’s also a complete protein (translation: it has all 9 essential amino acids) and is very high in manganese (which helps keep bones strong), niacin and fiber.

Flax is another nutritional heavy hitter and has a nutty flavor reminiscent of toasted coconut. The seeds range in color from golden to brown to reddish brown. Heavy with omega-3 fatty acids, just two tablespoons of flax a day can give you almost all of your daily needs – but remember to purchase them ground, or grind your own, since the whole seed can pass through your system undigested. Ground flax can be sprinkled on top of or stirred into many of your favorite recipes.

Check out my recipes for Cashew Granola Crunch and Hot Cereal with Quinoa, Oats and Flax »


  1. I love hot cereal. I haven’t added quinoa to my oats – this is great. I already used ground flax. I also use a healthy dose of vanilla extract to bring all the flavors together.

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