Healthy Cooking & Tips

The posts in this section focus on cooking techniques, tips and tricks to amp up taste while dialing down fat and calories. After working in many New York City restaurant kitchens for years, it's now time to share those Skinny Chef secrets!

Classy Coriander

‘What do you do with coriander?’ my friend Eleanor asked when she and her husband Dante came for dinner last night. You probably know that it’s the seed of a plant, which we also call ‘cilantro’.

Guide to Smashing Smoothies

I’m such a fan of homemade smoothies because it’s an easy healthy breakfast that’s ready in five minutes flat. Smoothies are delicious and I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like the creamy ‘milkshake-like’ texture of my protein-rich, fruit-to-nuts smoothies…

Balsamic Salmon

Like primary colors to a painter, fat, salt and acid are the essential ingredients chefs use to flavor their masterpiece meals. Many home cooks know how to use fat (either oil or butter) and salt of course, but they skip on the acid, things like vinegar for example.

Four Days To Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, four days from now! If you’re still on the search for great recipes for sumptious desserts, then look no further! In this video clip, Jennifer highlights healthy sweets made with fresh beet, along with other dessert ideas…

The Cook’s Garden

Already thinking ahead to planting your garden for spring? Burpee has come out with a tempting new website, the ‘Cook’s Garden’, with heirloom offerings like ‘Patty’s Yellow Striped Beefsteak Tomatoes’ and ‘Yugoslavian Red Lettuce’…

Cooking With Ginger

Ginger is the base for this really aromatic chai tea recipe I developed for AOL. Hot, spicy and astringent, it adds a great deal of flavor to every beverage or dish, and the root can keep for weeks chilled in your vegetable drawer.

Whole Grains On A Budget

How can you get more whole grains into your diet? It’s easier than ever before even if you don’t cook. It’s all about choice – and there are so many new, deliciously healthy whole grain products out there.

Hot Drinks To Keep The Chill Off

Nothing will keep you cozier during the last months of winter as a warm, well-spiced drink. We all know that teas, spices and and dark bitter chocolate carry many health benefits, but they also taste delicious – and drinks are fast, easy and portable even for those with busy work schedules.