Media Archive

Posts in this section cover various media appearances - from TV, radio, print, cookbooks and online appearances. Collaborations with Livestrong turned into two web series, Healthy Cheats (2012) and Food Courting (2011) that garnered close to a million views.

Pomegranate Margarita –

The editors of ‘Taste of Park City’ magazine included my pomegranate margarita as one of their ‘Favorite Summer Cocktails, Mojitos, Martinis, Margs, and More!’

Healthy Eating Tips: Pantry Refresh

Did you realize that small changes in kitchen staples can help your family get healthy, almost effortlessly? In my latest video feature on AOL Food, I share smart grocery shopping swaps to pack maximum health benefits into everyday eating. How healthy is your pantry?

Making Summer Burgers Slimming!

Check out the Iatest issue of ‘First For Women’ if you want my tips on making summer burgers slimming! In its June 2009 issue, Stephanie Izard, June Lin and I share our ‘chef’s secrets’ on getting more flavor into burgers with less beef!

Healthy Eating Tips: Grilling Refresh

Everyone could use a little help with healthier eating – as part of my latest video feature on AOL Food, I share my fresh tips for outdoor eating – so that the grilling season doesn’t derail your healthy eating habits!

Fitness Pays Off, Some Chefs Discover

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette recently interviewed me, asking if chefs in the restaurant business exercise and if they care about staying fit. For people with physically demanding jobs, I think they need to exercise just like everyone else – and a lot of my friends in the restaurant business are curious about yoga and how it could potentially help them to withstand the grueling hours in the kitchen.

Healthy Eating Tips: Kitchen Refresh

Want to eat healthier, but don’t know where to start? As part of my latest healthy eating tips for AOL Food, see how one family got a fresh food makeover – starting with their fridge!

Eat Healthy All Week –

Eating right just got easier! In the November 2008 issue of Self Magazine, I share delicious suggestions for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner and dessert – for each day of the week! Simply buy what’s on the shopping list to make a week’s worth of tasty, low-calorie meals.

Thanksgiving Prep

In this Better TV segment, I show how to cut the chaos of holiday meal-time with easy steps, tips, and tools that anyone can use. Cut cooking time in half, but still enjoy all those classic home-made, family recipes that everyone loves and looks forward to for the holidays.