Skinny Chef Blog

This category features all posts on, whether they are blog posts in the traditional sense, recipes, or short asides highlighting content from around the web. Enjoy.

Wine is Fine

Whenever my friend Bernadette and I spend time together, we always latch on to some obscure topic that usually ends up in a friendly dispute. This time, the topic turned to wine – read more about appreciating wine and if drinking wine is as good for your heart as they say.

The Truth About Diet Pills & Fad Diets

Everyone is talking about the downside to ‘Fad Diets’ in the media and why they can be so hard to follow. I’m so happy to see a real ‘anti-diet’ spirit growing and a shift to living life through healthy eating and moderation. But let’s take a closer look at fad diets to really understand why they are so problematic.

How to Boil an Egg

Want to learn the right way to cook an egg? Frustrated by fennel? ‘How to Boil an Egg’ is a tasty mix of food know-how and how-to written by personal chef and food writer Danielle Turner. Danielle shares her knowledge as a chef and cooking instructor to teach basic cooking techniques along with tips on entertaining with ease and simple and delicious recipes.

Sweet Talk

Mystery surrounds the famous Saint Valentine who restored sight and hearing to the daughter of his jailer while imprisoned. His great act of spiritual love is commemorated with a modern celebration of romantic love, on Valentine’s Day next week.

Mini Cashew Cookies

Nut butters are great for making baked goods and sauces. I love the sweet mellow taste of cashews, but if cashew butter is not in your budget, replace it with peanut butter instead.

Can You Cure Acne with Diet?

I’ve always believed that beautiful skin comes from two places, first heredity and second diet. So what if you’re prone to acne or dry skin? Can diet really make a difference? What about vitamin supplements? Is it possible to ‘overdose’ on vitamins?

Eat Healthy All Week –

Eating right just got easier! In the November 2008 issue of Self Magazine, I share delicious suggestions for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner and dessert – for each day of the week! Simply buy what’s on the shopping list to make a week’s worth of tasty, low-calorie meals.

Is It Harder for Women to Ignore Hunger?

This morning, I read a study entitled ‘Women less able to suppress hunger than men’. Before I talk about ways to calm hunger, let’s take a look at the link between hunger and health.